Popular supplements for bodybuilders and strength athletes. Sports people can benefit from the positive anabolic effects without having to fear the side effects of anabolic steroids.

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I am now using ANAVAR (female steroid). I read that bodybuilders consider 20-30mg per day to be a normal dose for beginners, when in reality 10mg is more than enough for someone who has never used. According to me. Higher doses result in not only AR (Androgen Receptor) damage but also liver damage. So sometimes less is more.
I like a pretty nice summer combo of ibutamoren and rad140 Then right away pct . Ibutamoren retains water, so reduce your intake of carbohydrates and sugars and continue to eat because you have a big appetite. Then pct and blood tests. I was surprised how much I was able to maintain even after pct, unlike AS where almost everything went down after pct.
Hi, I have only good experience with Sarms from German Medico, I take them with small breaks for two years after each PCT cycle plus blood tests. and everything is still fine.
Overall I feel great about Ligandrol, great pumps, strength and overall focus. Because somehow I don’t follow the maximum weights and every training is different to shock the body. During training, I noticed focus and overall concentration.
Now I’m taking RAD-140 again. It should probably be the least harmful… so I didn’t and I don’t have any problems. I am satisfied with the products from German Medico.
Hello, I have now used RAD-140 for the first time and I am satisfied. I lost weight and gained muscle. I took DS-52 for the liver the entire cycle and after the PCT and after the PCT Ultimate cycle. I will wait a month and do it again.
Ostarine is great, I take it even now after a spinal injury and better after convalescence. I took it when I worked out 3 times a day for 1 month, then I skipped a month and started again. I also tried Epistane-prohormone. The power went up, but I was quite tempted.
Hello, I used Ibutamoren from German. It does not affect the liver or the formation of TST. Great satisfaction for me. I recommend buying a large pack of 90 capsules right away.
January 14, 2019